关键词:利差损 寿险公司 资产负债匹配 保险资金运用
Abstract: In the recent years, with the increasing growth of China’s economy, the mode of development of the insurance industry is gradually turning, and profitability is growing, the interest spread loss and other historical bequeath problem be solved step by step. Although at this stage in China interest spread loss is eased, but not yet fully resolved, in the case of investment income lower than the assessed rate, still appear every year Interest spread loss become a serious hazard of the life insurance company. Interest spread loss cannot be resolved long-term, China's life insurance companies and the national economy will be have a significant impact. In this paper, with the status quo of Interest spread loss of China's life insurance industry, to talk about the causes of the life insurance industry in China Interest spread loss from the three aspects of the macroeconomic environment, the insurance business and the matching of assets and liabilities, in order to analyze the strategy to resolve the Interest spread loss, so that the life insurance the company's earnings increase.
Keywords: The interest spread loss; Life insurance companies; Matching of assets and liabilities; The use of insurance funds