摘要: 本文试图分析家族企业与职业经理人在合作上存在的冲突,找出形成的原因,并从家族企业和职业经理人和政策机制的角度提出相应的解决对策。我国企业与职业经理人之间合作主要的困难主要是制度的不完善,信任、激励等。本文从家族企业引入职业经理人的现状、存在的问题以及对策等问题研究,希望我国的家族企业与职业经理人健康发展。
关键词: 职业经理人 激励机制 家族企业 合作风险
Abstract: This paper attempts to analyze the family business and occupation managers in the conflict of cooperation, find out the reasons, and from the family business and occupation managers and policy mechanism from the point of view of the corresponding solution countermeasures. Our country enterprise and cooperation between the main difficulties in major is not perfect system, trust, incentive,etc. This paper introduced the family business managers of the present situation,the existing problems and countermeasures,,the hope that the family business in our country and occupation manager health development .
Keywords: Occupation Managers ; Incentive Mechanism ; Family Business; Cooperation Risk