关键词:国有企业; 薪酬管理;薪酬构成;薪酬制度;薪酬设计
Abstract: Salary management is the enterprise human resources department sensitive work, which has one of the normal operation of the company is very important. Once the compensation system malfunction,will not only brings to the enterprise to a lot of trouble,can make even enterprise operation failure.The influence of the traditional salary management,our country enterprise in salary management is still there is a lot of problems,for example,pay the whole level is low,salary construction is not reasonable,salary incentive mechanism not free,etc. This topic through the research of the state-owned enterprise current compensation management status, including the salary system of the present situation,the salary structure of the current situation and the present situation of the compensation strategy,analyzes the influential enterprise salary management in our country the main factors,and find out the state-owned enterprises of the salary management,the problems and puts forward appropriate solutions and strategies.
Keywords: State-owned enterprise ;Compensation management;Compensation structure;Salary system;The salary design