摘要: 随着现代物流在我国的发展,第三方物流的作用越来越被重视。但由于物流观念落后,自办物流现象突出,条块分割严重,企业规模偏小,物流渠道不畅,服务功能不全,基础设施能力不足,技术装备落后,管理分散,物流企业成长缓慢,专业化程度不高,对物流重要性认识等原因,导致镇江地区的第三方物流发展迟缓,专业化程度不高。本文通过对镇江地区第三方物流存在的问题和障碍的深入剖析,提出了发展镇江地区第三方物流的对策和建议,希望能够有利于促进镇江地区第三方物流的发展。
With the development of modern logistics in China, the role of third-party logistics is increasingly being taken seriously. However, due to the logistics concept behind their own logistics prominent phenomenon, severe fragmentation and small-scale enterprises, poor logistics channels, and insufficiency of service, lack of infrastructure capacity, backward technology and equipment, decentralized management, the slow growth of logistics enterprises, professional is not high, logistics understand the importance of other reasons, resulting in the slow third-party logistics development in Zhenjiang, the high degree of specialization. By the in-depth analysis of of Zhenjiang third-party logistics problems and barriers, the development of the Zhenjiang third party logistics countermeasures and suggestions can help to promote the development of of Zhenjiang third party logistics.
Key words:Third-party logistics, Logistics industry, Development of countermeasures