摘要:随着当今世界服务贸易的发展,全球的经济竞争的重点逐渐转向服务贸易。改革开放以来,我国的服务贸易虽然得到了发展,但是整体发展水平不高,总体情况不容乐观,服务贸易的发展滞后。本文主要研究近些年来中国服务贸易发展的现状,分析造成了我国服务贸易存在的问题及原因,最后根据存在的问题从几个方面提出了相关的建议和对策。关键词:服务贸易 服务贸易滞后 服务贸易结构 服务贸易自由化 国际竞争力
Abstract: With the development of world trade, the service trade has been drawing more and more attention around the world. Since the reform and opening up, it had made great stride. But its overall development level is not high., the whole situation leaves much to be desired. Namely, the backwardness of the service trade. This paper will analyse the existing situation of the development of the service trade in our country. Exploring the reason and solvement of this problem. Confronted with this issue, the paper will give some relative advice from different perspective.
Key words: Service trade; service trade lag ; service trade structure; liberalizing trade in services ; international competitiveness