摘要: 1979年第一家外资银行机构———日本输出入银行经批准进入北京设立代表处,拉开了外资银行进入中国金融市场的序幕。1995年,中国向外资银行开放的城市增加到24个。2001年12月11日,中国正式加入世界贸易组织后,外资银行进入中国金融市场的速度不断加快,与中资银行的竞争与合作也全方位展开。同时随着我国人民币市场对外资银行的开放,其也带来了一系列的潜在风险,在这种形势下,中资银行如何应对挑战,调整经营策略,提升服务质量,在竞争中求得生存与发展一直是国内金融界极为关注的问题。而对于其所带来的风险进行分析也变得尤为重要。本文将研究外资银行进入对我国银行业的影响并提出相应的应对措施。
关键词:外资银行 人民币业务 风险分析
Abstract:1979, the first foreign bank agencies - Japan Export-Import Bank approved to enter Beijing to set up a representative office, opened the prelude of a foreign bank to enter China's financial markets. In 1995, Chinese cities open to foreign banks increased to 24. December 11, 2001, China formally joined the WTO, foreign banks to enter the Chinese financial markets, the accelerating pace of competition and cooperation with Chinese banks in all directions. With the opening up of China's RMB market for foreign banks has also brought a series of potential risks, Chinese banks in this situation, how to deal with challenges to adjust business strategy, improve service quality to survive in the competition and development has been of great concern to the domestic financial sector. For it brings the risk analysis has become particularly important. This article will examine the impact of foreign banks into China's banking industry and the corresponding response measures.
Keywords: foreign banks RMB business risk analysis