关键词:翁同龢 维新变法 评述
Abstract: Weng Tonghe is an important figure in Chinese modern history, the late Qing Dynasty many major political events are associated with him. Given the special nature of the Imperial court, Weng Tonghe played an important role in modern Chinese studies in the Qing dynasty. As a liberation movement in modern Chinese thought, Weng Tonghe had an effect on the Reform Movement of 1898.In terms of Weng Tonghe and the Reform Movement of 1898,Scholars have always been different views on the issues such as his political reform ideas, the recommendation of Kang Youwei,his role in the Reform Movement and the reasons for dismissal. On the basis of analyzing the causes of his political reform ideas,this article will be specified from the above several aspects. From supporting Westernization to favor political reform, Weng's action reflect the trend of historical development. Besides, compared with reformists' ideas, it can recognize there are obvious shortcomings in Weng's ideas. Comprehensive view of his political reform ideas,for our further study of the reform and the situation in the late Qing Dynasty, has certain positive significance.
Key words:Weng Tonghe, the Reform Movement of 1898, commentary