关键词: 罗斯福新政 劳资关系 劳资政策
Abstract:During the economic crisis of 1929-1933, a serious imbalance in the U.S. labor relations, the labor movement is increasing . In labor conflicts intensify the situation, the Roosevelt administration developed a number of policies relating labor relations, such as "National Industrial Recovery Act," "Wagner Act", "Social Security Act", "Fair Labor Standards Act," and so on. These labor policies not only safeguarded the interests of the workers, protected social stability, and promoted the United States quickly out of the crisis, but also made great effect on the tripartite relations of the labor, the capital and the government. But its essence is concerned, the ultimate goal of the New Deal period of industrial policy is not in order to improve the living conditions of workers, but in order to avoid the imbalance labor relations which maybe threaten the rule of the bourgeoisie. Its essence is to safeguard the interests of the bourgeoisie, to consolidate the rule of the bourgeoisie.
Key words: Roosevelt's New Deal Labor relations Labor policies