摘 要:保护金融消费者的合法权益,不光是对金融消费者自身的保护,也对改善金融机构服务质量,维护地区的金融稳定有着重要的意义。
关键词:金融消费者 华尔街金融改革法案 金融消费者安全权保护立法
Abstract:To protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, not only is the protection of financial consumers themselves, but also to improve the service quality of financial institutions, maintaining regional financial stability is important.
In the financial consumer safety right protection on the one hand, the domestic than foreign legislation to be perfect.
In the Wall Street financial reform bill, the proposed to strengthen the protection of consumers and investors
Compared to domestic, foreign financial consumer safety right protection than the perfect number.
China's financial consumer safety right protection has a lot of defects.
Consumer safety financial consumer right is very important, our financial consumer safety protection system of the right is not perfect, its loopholes appeared one after another. So we should improve the financial consumer protection system of the right to security, so perfect, so can effectively stabilize the financial market.
Key Words:Financial consumer The Wall Street Financial Protection Financial consumer safety right protection legislation