关键词:南京; 历史文化资源;开发;保护
Abstract: as people material of the growing wealth and the spiritual and cultural needs of the increase gradually, tourists' cultural pursuit of knowledge is also more and more intense, historical and cultural tourism satisfied the demand of foreign cultures understand tourists, attention by tourists. Historical culture is the soul of tourism, Nanjing with a unique history cultural advantage, therefore, to further explore the historical and cultural resources development is very meaningful. Although Nanjing history culture tourism development more fully, but there still exist protection consciousness, management system is not reasonable, tourist routes lacking characteristics, etc. This article from Nanjing history culture resources current situation in Nanjing historical cultural tourism resources characteristics are analyzed. The Nanjing history cultural tourism resources exploitation and protection of the key and Suggestions, hoping to Nanjing history of cultural tourism development at present.
Keywords:Nanjing;the Historical Cultural Resources;developing protection