Abstract:Compared with the traditional history teaching, in New Curriculum, the importance of the cultural history is emphasized. As a part of the cultural history teaching, there exist many problems in the history teaching about the history of Chinese literature in Senior Middle School. Among all the problems, the Filling teaching and focal point of teaching confusion are the primal problems.To solve these problems, we can organize the content of courses in order of history time. On the other hand, we can determine the focal point of teaching according to the Contemporary Spirit and background of art works.
Key Word:High School History;Problems in art history teaching;Solution
新课程下的历史教材,加大了对文化史的重视程度,增加了文化史的教学内容,同时一改以往高中历史教材的通史编排形式,在打破传统的时间顺序和空间范围的基础之上,采用“模块”加“专题” 的形式来编写,这就给文化史的教学带来了一系列的问题。作为中国文化史重要组成部分的中国古代文学艺术,其教学同样面临着这一系列的问题。文艺史教学中存在哪些典型性问题?这些问题产生的原因是什么?有什么好的改进方法和解决策略?本文即将以填表式教学以及教学重点错位为例来探讨这些内容。