Abstract :The narrated is set with staff,tattooing,stream service and a penalty,is the main part of the Song Dynasty penalty system。It is rich in content,scope of application is extremely extensive,is the system of penalty the penalty。With the increase of torture with the law,the range of torture continues to expand,causing more serious phenomenon,at the same time,and has a certain degree of cruelty。But it can meet the growing need of national labor,to some extent reduce the tax burden on the people,it narrated the torture has certain reasonableness。
Key words : narrated the main penalty serious reasonableness
宋代的刺配之刑,可谓历代黥刑之集大成者,并创立使罪犯兼受三刑的刑罚。仁宗时,翰林学士张方平指出:“刺配之法,比前代绝重”,[37]并指出“欲戢盗贼,不可不……减刺配之法”。[38] 到南宋孝宗时,校书郎罗点也称:“本朝刺配之法视前代用刑为重”。[39] 明人邱浚亦说:“宋人于五刑之外,又为刺配之法,岂非所谓六刑乎”。[40]造成宋代刺配之刑繁密的原因,争论颇多,校书郎罗点曾认为“承平既久,防禁益密”。[41] 其实,综观宋代“刺配之刑”的发展状况,清人沈家本的“积重难返”[42]最能说明和概括宋代刺配之刑滋蔓、繁密的原因。但是,对于“刺配之刑”,“宋人多议其非,欲改而终不行”。[43]