关键词: 中国古代;死刑;死刑执行
Abstract: The death penalty always is any country criminal punishment and eradicate the powerful means by extreme, destructive, cruelty. Of ancient chinese society, every time the rules of law and legal system are to meet the punishment from death penalty system. all the way so as to human civilization of the normalization process, and passed through several thousand years and it is very worthy to be explored. Ancient Chinese torture is not only of numerous, pattern is renovated, but also cruel extent horrific, shocking. The death penalty system for Chinese social life, social psychology has long influence in collecting material, based on the collection of data about the death penalty in ancient China, made a detailed classification of death penalty, to realize all-round understanding and depth of the purpose of the death penalty, first ancient are examined and then deeply analyzes the cultural concept behind the death penalty in this section.
Key words: ancient china ;death penalty; execution