关键词:反诉制度 牵连性 比较法 类型化分析
Abstract: As an important system of modern civil action, the counterclaim system has the extremely rich legal connotation。Now the counterclaim system has been established in the world and China is no exception. However, Chinese counterclaim legislation is too brief and scattered, lacks of unified standards in judicial practice. It has badly affected the realization of the counterclaim system’s function and correctly applied. So our counterclaim system is urged to be improved. System construction can’t do without the guidance of theory. This paper analyzes the basic theories of the counterclaim system and, at the same time, emphasize on more research and theory study on implicate of the counterclaim by combining legislative cases of related nations and the judicial fulfillment of our country. By this way, we want to clarify the substantial requirement of the counterclaim from the theoretical level, and make it play its proper rules in modern civil action.
Key words: The Counterclaim System, Implicate, Comparison Perspective, Typed Analysis