摘要:“上帝之死”(西方)和“天崩地坼”(中国),思想界的困境使所谓“家园”问题前所未有的突出和紧迫。本文以德国伟大的作家兼思想家歌德的杰出作品《浮士德》为起点,上溯西方“家园”历史,下述理性时代的“浮士德”的“家园”建设,进而探究“浮士德”之后的“家园”之路,理析“家园”现状。在此前提下,本文企图在现代的三位叛逆者(尼采、马克思和海德格尔)的思想突围过程中展开“家园”之“思”的敞开式对话,从而在勾画历史进程中“家园”的当下现状,进而导出“家园”的某种可能,企望有限的工作能够使家园”之“思” 变得更加明晰,“寻家”之路越走越宽。
关键词:浮士德; 家园; 思想叛逆者; 对话
Abstract: "God is dead" (Western) and "World, collaps" (China), the plighe in thought caused the problem of “home” becoming unprecedented urgency.This paper take the masterpiece work “Faust” for example ,”Faust” writted by the great German writer and philosopher Goethes .this paper traced the "home" of history in West, outlined the state of “home” built by Faust in vation time ,and explored how did the people′s home in past Faust time , as well as ,limned what was the state of the “home” now. Under this premise, the paper took the modern three traitors--Nietzsche, Marx and Heidegger for example , attempted to base their idea′breakthrough to open my dialogue about the home, thinking.My goal was to outline the “home”, state at this moment in historical process and to explore the possiblity of the home. I hope my limited work can make the "thinking" of “home” becoming more and more clarity, and the road to "find home" becoming broader and broader.
Key words: Faust; home; ideological traitor; interlocution