关键词:信用经济 约束制度 经验借鉴
Abstract: Through the study of the market, we can summarize the problems which exist in our market. There are indebtedness, quality, financing and financial credit problems. The problems stem from the internal and the external of companies.
Then we studied the credit management systems of the USA, Europe, and Japan. We summarized 3 points of binding mechanism, which were as follows: ①credit constraints from internal and external of the enterprises; ②database consisting of a large number of business credit records; ③punishment system. After that, we applied them to the reality, which are used to prove the conclusion of this thesis.
In the end of the thesis, it suggests that the government plays an important role in the binging mechanism. The government can Provide a platform to help regulate the market. In addition, with the development of the network technology, the government can adjust the market by using the Internet, which should help a lot.
Key word: Credit economy Binging mechanism Experience