摘 要:随着经济的高速发展,房地产行业成为我国经济的支柱产业之一,房地产行业引起了社会各行业的关注。发展至今,市场环境已发生显著的变化,房地产企业数量急剧增长,行业竞争日益激烈。房地产行业面临严重的挑战和压力,在这些严峻的挑战下,要确保某房地产企业健康地持续发展,在市场中处于不败之地,真正承担起支柱作用,就必须在新的条件下提高整个房地产行业和房地产企业的创新能力。为了使某房地产企业在大学城市场处于不败之地和健康发展,本文根据对某房地产企业现存的营销问题,提出了新的营销策略方案设计。有助于提高该房地产企业在大学城市场中竞争力,有利于满足的消费者需求,同时也有利于带动房地产行业和国民经济的发展。
关键词: 发展现状 营销问题 营销方案设计
ABSTRACT: With the rapid development of economy, the real estate industry has become one of pillar industries of the economy in our country, the real estate industry has attracted attention from all walks of life to society. Development up to now, has significant changes in the market environment, real estate enterprises quantity sharp growth, the real estate goods already from a seller's market into a buyer's market, the increasingly fierce competition in the industry. Real estate industry faces serious challenges and stress, under these tough challenges, to ensure that the real estate enterprise health sustained development, the real responsibility pillar role, must under the new conditions to improve the whole real estate industry and real estate enterprise's innovation ability. In order to make better serve the real estate enterprises, this article through to a real estate marketing question reason analysis, proposed a series of strategic advice. Helps to improve the competence of the real estate enterprises in the town market, to meet consumer demand, and is advantageous to the impetus to the development of the real estate industry and national
Key words: Current situation of the development of ;Marketing problems ;The marketing plan