本文首先对早教相关理论和战略管理理论做了简要的叙述,然后使用PEST分析的方法对 S公司所处的早期教育行业的宏观环境进行了分析和阐述,又进一步分析了早期教育市场的现状和发展趋势,并用 5 力模型对 S公司在整个行业背景中的位置和竞争能力作了分析,使 S公司较为清醒地认识竞争形势和自己在竞争中所处的位置。其次,在对企业的内部条件进行逐项分析后,运用内部因素评价矩阵使 S公司明确地看到了内部条件的优劣势。此外,在分析了国外优秀早期教育企业成功的经验和模式之后,运用 SWOT 矩阵结合内、外部环境的分析,得出了S公司为达成战略目标所应当采取的战略选择。接下来,本文对战略的具体实施给出了建议。
在未来的几年,我国早期教育的市场将进入快速成长和激烈竞争阶段,但只要 S公司能够坚定落实并不断完善业已制定的发展战略,就具备了在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地的先机。
Abstract:S early education company is a joint venture which provides early education service for kids from 6 months to 6 years old. Although S company has just been established for one year, but it’s business is prosperous. Now, S company has been the leader of the early education market in N city of Jiangsu province. When S company was set, it cleared it’s goal as “to make kids be smarter, more innovative, more polite and have more leadership.” Further more, S company plans to come into the NASDAQ stock market to enlarge the company’s value and to line of social duties. But, S company is facing serious challenge, it must has got an advanced strategy to reach the goal.
First, we formulate the concept of early education and strategy management theory, then we use PEST method to analyze the background of early education industry, including macroscopical economic policy and technology environment. Next, we specialize the development process and the actuality of China early education market. Based on the groundwork, we use the Five competition forces model to analyze the position and competition power of S company, so S company can acquaint with the competition position clearly. After we analyze the interior condition of S company, we SWOT matrix to establish the strategy which S company should adopt at the present situation. Finally, we formulate detailed rules of the strategy to carry out.
In future several years, the competition in China early education market is serious, but S company can be successful through its advanced strategy management.
Keywords: S company, Early Education, Strategy